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Lansing Professional Firefighters Assoc.
We are a labor organization that promotes the health, safety & advancement of professional firefighter/paramedics who serve with pride The Village of Lansing & its citizens.We are a labor organization that promotes the health, safety & advancement of professional firefighter/paramedics who serve with pride The Village of Lansing & its citizens.
LARC provides day training, educational initiatives, work activities, job training, job placement, senior programming and 24-hour residential opportunities.LARC provides day training, educational initiatives, work activities, job training, job placement, senior programming and 24-hour residential opportunities.
LegalShield / IDShield
Expected & unexpected legal issues arise every day. A LegalShield Legal Plan, and a small monthly fee gets you access to advice & counsel on an unlimited number of personal legal issues with attorneysExpected & unexpected legal issues arise every day. A LegalShield Legal Plan, and a small monthly fee gets you access to advice & counsel on an unlimited number of personal legal issues with attorneys