Be a Sponsor of the 10th Annual LOOP Ride!!
This annual fun filled 15 mile event brings together the local communities! With an average of over 100 riders your business logo will be seen by many! Help us keep this event going by sponsoring!!
We are having special commemorative t-shirts made for this event - your company logo can be on it!
1. Event Sponsorship ($750.00)
Your Business promoted on all promotional materials, sign with your business name on it, 4 FREE entries into THE LOOP and your logo on T-Shirts. **Call office with names and T-Shirts sizes for riders.
2. Cruiser Sponsorship ($500.00)
Your Business promoted on all promotional materials, your business logo on T-Shirt,
a sign with your business name on it at the event, 2 FREE entries into THE LOOP!
**Call office with names and T-Shirt Sizes of Riders.
3. BMX Sponsor ($250.00)
Your Business promoted on all promotional materials, Business Name on Sign at the Event, 1 FREE entry into THE LOOP! **Call office with names and T-Shirt Size of Rider.
4. Food Sponsor ($100.00)
Your Business name on a sign near where food is.
**Sponsorships must be completed by 8/25/2023
Sample T-Shirt is shown - logo's will be on the back of the shirt!

Date and Time
Monday Aug 21, 2023
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT